What’s Different About Phoenix Book Company Book Fairs?
我们很高兴你问了! We strive to provide a customer-服务 driven experience that ALWAYS includes:
- 免费安装 & 中国人民银行书展资料的下架
- 没有最低要求!
- 你可以获得净销售额的20%
- Easy Fair Management - Tax Included Even Dollar Pricing
- 折扣20-60%的书
- 惊人的选择和个性化服务
Please note, the promotion mentioned in the video has expired, thank you. 所提供的所有服务仍处于活动状态!
And our Fairs are easy to manage, even when they're chock-full of kids.
Every PBC Book Fair comes with 免费安装 and Take-Down of PBC Fair Materials!
All you have to do is provide clean configured tables, then you can sit back and relax.
Everything has evenly rounded dollar amounts, with tax included.
没有最低要求! 你可以获得净销售额的20%.
Plus, you can come shop our PBC Warehouse anytime you like – We are open to the public year-round.
我们代表印刷的一切, and we love bringing in a wide variety of titles at great discounted prices!
We want you to have the best Book Fair possible and we strive to provide you with the tools and materials you need.
我们总是在这里回答你的问题 and are excited to provide quality products at great prices for your students.
- 免费安装 & 中国人民银行书展资料的下架
You provide clean configured tables; we provide the rest. 包括床单, 类别标识, 显示书籍和副刊, 语言表, 最重要的是所有的劳动力. Most PBC Fairs are fully set-up in under 2 hours, and taken down in just 1 hour. - 一本好书
All publishers are represented in our diverse 选择 of age-appropriate, 热门主题, 新书 & 更多的! 另外,大多数书都是零售价的20-60%. - 营销材料
填写可分发的传单, 宿舍海报, 学校公告广告, book trailer playlists to generate interest and add excitement, 和更多的! - 客户服务承诺
We want you to have the best Book Fair possible and we strive to provide you with the tools and materials you need. We are excited to provide quality products at great prices for your students. 我们总是在这里回答你的问题. 我们知道你们会对这个价格满意的, 服务, 选择, 以及中国人民银行书展提供的操作便利性.
如果你准备好参加一种不同的书展, 强调服务和选择的人, PBC可能很适合你.
Our Book Fairs feature a wide variety of books at discounted prices, 你的学校从你的净销售额中抽取20%, 没有最低要求! Plus, we handle the Set-Up and Take-Down of all PBC Fair materials for you.
问我们! Popular weeks (such as parent-teacher conference week) go fast, and the only way to know if the week you want is available is to ask.
电子邮件 bookfairs@chinaplumbing.net 今天!
We introduced rolling cases in the 2019-2020 season! While most PBC Fairs are Table-Top Only or Table-Top & Case Combo Fairs, we are very flexible and want to work with you to maximize your available space.
If you don't have enough tables available for us to use, ask us about borrowing some PBC tables for your Fair. (这是免费的!)
If space is an issue, ask us about our small Fair options!
你将获得净销售额的20%(税前). A Book Fair Sales Summary and Credit Certificate will be issued 4-6 weeks after the close of your Fair.
You can choose how to receive and spend your earnings.
仓库信用: This is the best way to get the most out of your earnings!
Stretch your earnings as far as possible by coming in to shop! Our Book Fair Warehouse is open year-round and has a wide variety of books in-stock for 20-60% off retail prices every day. We are located at the AZ 143 and University Drive in Phoenix.
3418 S. 48圣. #305 | Phoenix, AZ 85040 | M-F 10am-5pm or by appointment
不能去仓库,请皇冠登录welcome bookfairs@chinaplumbing.net 其他选项.
现金返还: We can issue your school/organization/institution a check for the amount of credit. 如果您使用订单付款, we can apply your earnings as a credit toward your invoice for speedy access to your funds.
结合: You can also choose a combination of 现金返还 and 仓库信用, if you would prefer.
所有信贷 自签发之日起6个月失效.
仓库信用 只适用于PBC仓库的库存物品!! (没有网上或特殊订单)
现金返还 由签发日期起4周内有效. For PO Fairs, 现金返还 is applied as an invoice credit by default. For PO Fairs choosing 现金返还 after an invoice is issued, credit checks will be sent after PBC receives payment from your district.
All Fairs are required to fill in Daily Sales Summary Sheets at the end of each day of sales. Failure to provide properly filled out hard copies of the required Book Fair paperwork may result in the forfeit of part or all of the earned Book Fair Credit.
如果你在书展上看到你喜欢的书, write it on your How I Want to Spend My Credit Form and we will pack and send them to you. 请不要从展会上拿走书籍.
不,我们没有. With a few exceptions, almost every title on a PBC Book Fair is discounted from the retail price. We want every child to come to the Book Fair and be able to walk away with a book, 不管一年中的什么时候.
We do not guarantee specific titles will be at our Fairs. What we do promise is to strive to bring you a great 选择 that will have something for everyone.
不过,问问也无妨! If the item is available at the Book Fair Warehouse, we will be happy to include it.
是的! Visit the Online Resource Center by clicking on "现任展会协调人" in the left bar menu. 如果您需要密码,请发送电子邮件至 bookfairs@chinaplumbing.net.
很容易! Start the process by filling in the Booking Request Form below. A member of PBC's Book Fair Team will reach out to help you finalize your request.
The Booking Request Form is the first of two required forms to formally book your Fair. 二是签署书展协议. Once the required PBC Booking Request Form and Signed PBC Book Fair Agreement have been completed, 收到了, and reviewed by PBC; PBC will send a final email confirming and securing your Book Fair dates. Your Book Fair is not guaranteed until you receive this written notification.